Riverbend Body Shop Riverbend Automotive Clear Image Auto Glass Walker City Towing

Vehicle damage? Don't wait any longer

Collision Repair

Is your car not looking as good as it once did?

Vehicle Detailing

We are officially recognized by these OEM manufacturers

What We Do

We offer full service auto repair & maintenance


Riverbend Body Shop can help get your car back on the road after an accident.

Interior & Exterior

Your vehicle can look brand new again with the help of Riverbend Body Shop.

Loaner Vehicle

We know you still have places to be while you're vehicle is at Riverbend Body Shop.
Auto Services in Grand Rapids, MI

Riverbend Body Shop | Grand Rapids, MI

Riverbend Body Shop is a family owned and operated Full Service Auto Body Repair Business founded in 1946. We are proud of the relationships that we have established with our customers throughout the past 65+ years. We appreciate the fact that much of our business comes from referrals and repeat business from satisfied customers. Our certified and experienced staff will go the extra mile to make your experience with Riverbend a pleasant one. We understand that you and your family depend on your vehicle. You can feel confident that Riverbend will deliver the quality and service that you deserve. We are also proud to be a Subaru Certified Collision Repair facility.

Why Choose Riverbend Body Shop?

Let our amazing customers tell you!

Mike Schondelmayer
I heard really good reports of Riverbend so I went and Emily took over. She was incredible. I can't be happier with the results.
Chad Groggel
Jim, Zach and their team handled everything from start to finish with the insurance company and the repair. I would highly recommend Riverbend Body Shop.
Ross Vander Lugt
Great group to work with. Every time I bring a vehicle in it always seems like I am the most important customer.

Vehicle damage? We'll fix it

Our grand rapids collision repair services will get you and you're car back on the road, where it should be!

Call: 616-453-7795